What Actually is Tartar/Calculus?
Tartar Tartar also known as calculus, and is plaque that has hardened on your teeth. Tartar is a mineral buildup caused by...
Oral Health is Linked to Total Health
Did you know that oral health has been linked to total health? Clients who have biofilm, plaque and tartar in their mouth...
Cold Sores and Holiday
You go on a holiday to a nice warm beach and when you return home your upper lip feels itchy and it tingles. One day later...
Healthy Active Living
Healthy, active living is extremely important for the prevention of certain chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke,...
What Can I Expect at my Dental Hygiene Appointment?
It has always been a common misconception that the Dental Hygienist only cleans your teeth. You can expect so much more...
Join our WEBINAR and get $500 Tuition Credit!
September 29, 2015 @ 9pm (EST) Become a Dental Hygienist in 18 months! - Join our WEBINAR Registration at...
Combined 2013 Aggregate DH Schools NDHCE Summary Results are out! APLUS Institute has best results (86%) amongst private...